What about this novel that caught my attention: I thought it was cheap (since it was at the book sale at the library) and the cover seemed interesting enough
Why I actually finished reading this novel: I couldn't put down the book! It was so much fun to read. I actually laughed out loud several times.
My favorite coupling: n/a
My rating out of 10: 9.5
Short and sweet note from Sw33tPandaZ: I absolutely love the footnotes!

Why I actually finished reading this novel: It's super witty and silly :D
My favorite coupling: n/a
My rating out of 10: 9.5
Short and sweet note from Sw33tPandaZ: Footnotes were fun & the appendix was good for clarifying stuff.

Why I actually finished reading this novel: It's so funny and I wanted to see if my hunches were right >.^
My favorite coupling: I can't really say. I love Izzy with all the guys she's been with! xP
Other: David Spellman is amazing. He's "tall, dark and handsome" what more can you want? Plus pg 327 he was actually kind to Izzy! :D pg. 299 his confession about Maggie to Izzy. Pg. 340 the blackmail found, sad ending to chapter though Pg. 360 super entertaining :D
"'I'm all ears,' Earnie said. 'Yes, That's true. You do have big ears,' I said (yup, out loud)." pg. 195
"'I'm thinking about moving to Arizona.' 'Why?' 'I'm in love.' 'With a cactus?' 'No, Isabel, a woman.'" pg. 236 conversation of Milo & Izzy
"I had a sudden urge to pick up the crackers and hurl them at Henry, one by one, with a g-force never before experienced by a cracker. Then I had a separate urge to toss them on the floor and crunch them into the carpet with my shoe. Then, you'll be happy to hear, I had a sudden urge to hang on to whatever dignity I had left." pg. 254
My rating out of 10: 9.5
Short and sweet note from Sw33tPandaZ: This book contains so much awesomeness that I can't control myself! I can't believe I have to wait 7 months until The Spellmans Strike Again comes out! @-@; How can I wait that long!? Near the ending of this book made me sad. I can't believe Morty and Milo left :( This book was utterly amazing. Loved the longer appendix.
Completed on 8/16/09
>>>>Read my review on the 4th book HERE<<<<