What about this movie that caught my attention: It was what 'The Lake House' was based from.
Why I actually finished watching this movie: The plot is a bit different, more sad.
My favorite coupling: Sung-hyun & Eun-joo
Other?: The mailbox looked pretty
My rating out of 10: 8.5
Short and sweet note from Sw33tPandaZ:
So this was what 'The Lake House' was based off of, and I must say. This movie was really good for a Korean movie. I remember watching 'Unstoppable Marriage' and thought... "Man, this could have extended a bit more" and 'He was cool' and thought "They should have added more explanations" this movie was straight through understandable. It was a bit sadder than the American version of the Lake House, that's for sure. However, the ending made you hopeful for a better future for them.