What about this show that caught my attention: The plot seemed interesting to me, just the basic "talking to the 'earthbounds'" was an interesting subject. Though I must say even though I am not the horror fan, this show isn't grusome enough to keep me away from it. And another thing I must add. It is seriously a tear jerker. My god. I really don't think that there's ONE episode that didn't leave me crying or made me feel like crying (not just a little feeling either, it's the one where you're trying REALLY hard to hold your tears back and in return your throat hurts) the cause of this could be because I'm an emotional person, but whatever. It's still good. And that goes into why I stuck to watching this show (even though after seeing re-runs on TV I stopped watching, but reacently -after hearing that Jim died- I got curious, and asked my parents (who also watches this show) -I know I know, kinda weird... but whatever, like I stated before it's a good show!- what happened they told me... but that wasn't enough... so I started to reasearch the plot of that online. Still it wasn't enough... so I started to see if I could find episodes online to watch (again) and I did. However, I am like 2 seasons behind and I can't find most of the episodes so I started some parts of season 4 where things start to happen and now I am waiting for new episodes (or see if I can find episodes online to watch)
Why I actually stuck to watching this show: read the statements above
My favorite coupling: Jim & Melinda
My rating out of 10: 9.5
Short and sweet note from Sw33tPandaZ: Such a sweet TV series. Very touching.
The weekenders

What about this show that caught my attention: I don't really remember... I was a kid and I liked the show. What more can I say? Cartoons back then (1990s) were awesome.
Why I actually stuck to watching this show: I don't know the reason why back then (but for my spring break I spent my whole time watching all 4 seasons) so I will say my reasons for watching it at this age; THEY HAVE THE BEST LINES EVER! There are so much innuendos, sarcasm, and repeated lines in this show it's amazing. I don't know about other people, but at my age right now I am still completely in love with this show. Why can't they bring it back and cancel those lame cartoons on TV now? I mean seriously. They should bring this back (along with some other 1990s/ early 2000 cartoons)
My favorite coupling: no couplings, all just friends. I love all the characters. They are amazing!
4/11/09: I completed the whole entire series. There's only one episode that I haven't seen in this series. Overall. It's AMAZING!
My rating out of 10: 9.5
Short and sweet note from Sw33tPandaZ: This was an AMAZING cartoon! I mean seriously.
Why I actually stuck to watching this show: I don't know the reason why back then (but for my spring break I spent my whole time watching all 4 seasons) so I will say my reasons for watching it at this age; THEY HAVE THE BEST LINES EVER! There are so much innuendos, sarcasm, and repeated lines in this show it's amazing. I don't know about other people, but at my age right now I am still completely in love with this show. Why can't they bring it back and cancel those lame cartoons on TV now? I mean seriously. They should bring this back (along with some other 1990s/ early 2000 cartoons)
My favorite coupling: no couplings, all just friends. I love all the characters. They are amazing!
4/11/09: I completed the whole entire series. There's only one episode that I haven't seen in this series. Overall. It's AMAZING!
My rating out of 10: 9.5
Short and sweet note from Sw33tPandaZ: This was an AMAZING cartoon! I mean seriously.
Full House

What about this drama that caught my attention: I was in a slump after BOF so I decided to watch some dramas I've been meaning to, but never got to & this one was on the top of my list.
Why I actually finished watching this drama: It was entertaining.
My favorite coupling: Young-Jae & Ji-Eun
Other?: Episode 9 part 2 when Grandma was singing (when I saw it the first time I laughed for several minutes, nearly passed out because I wasn't able to breathe)
Yoo Min-Hyuk (Kim Sung Soo) I've grown attached to him... even though he has crazy eyebrows ^-^;;
The 3 bear dance= best thing ever
Episode 14-2 when Young-Jae kept making excuses to kiss Ji-Eun haha so cute! >w<
Quotes: "Do you want ice cream?"- Young- Jae to Ji-Eun
"Eat sewage!"- Ji-Eun to Min-Hyuk
"You're not a person who's nothing to me..." Young-Jae to Ji-Eun (episode 10-1)
"I appreciate your faulty advice but I'll take care of Ji-Eun" Young-Jae to Mink-Hyuk (episode 12-3)
"I mean...I...if I don't protect my rice bowl who will?" Young-Jae to Ji-Eun (episode 12-3)
My rating out of 10: 9
Short and sweet note from Sw33tPandaZ: Seriously cute drama. I didn't know why I didn't watch it sooner!
This Lullaby

What about this novel that caught my attention: The cover looked nice and I wanted to read something from Sarah Dessen for a while.
Why I actually finished reading this novel: I don't really know. Dexter was such a dork and a sweetheart I couldn't help but finish.
My favorite coupling: Don't really have one since I didn't really Remy...
My rating out of 10: 7.5
Short and sweet note from Sw33tPandaZ: Dexter was so sweet, I couldn't help but fall in love with his character. I really didn't like Remy though.
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